This is Genevieve.  She was born Aug 26th, 2024.  She is a Torbie tabby.  She loves napping and she is very social.  $2,000 Adopted

Eric is a Neva Masquerade

He is a seal point lynx tabby.  He will have gorgeous blue eyes.  Eric is very friendly and loves attention.  He was the biggest kitten born to Zoey on April 8th.  $2,000





  If you are interested in a kitten from us we can keep your information and contact you when a litter is born.  Just email me your name and preferences for a kitten.  Our pricing is $2,000-$2,500 depending on the color.  Our kittens come with their first set of vaccines and health exam from our veterinarian.  We have our breeding cats genetically tested for over 64 different health markers through Basepaws.  We offer a one year health guarantee against life-threatening congenital defects.  Once the kittens born are at least 4 weeks old I will accept a deposit for the kitten.  If you need help determining an allergy to these cats with a low Fel-d-1 level contact me and we can see what we can do for you.  I have mailed out fur samples.